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5:01 p.m. - May 10, 2010
Teacher Appreciation = No money in bank account
I think this is a load of shit.

Teacher Appreciation, we get a letter advising us it is indeed time to appreciate our teachers followed by a list of what each teacher would like to/needs to receive. Now, I get this, our school district recently divided and we are on the poor people side..we are something like 17 billion dollars in the hole over here and our school system sucks dick so we have to help the teachers by providing much needed school supplies. I also understand that if they did not specifically ask us to send stuff most of us wouldn't. However...after a 10 dollar gift card (this is the part where I feel really really screwed cause Ruth has 2 teachers), 6 dollars for gift bags/thank you cards then another 20 for neat school supplies..we are in it about what 70 bucks? God dammit.

Then I had to go get the 7 dollar pictures I signed up to provide throughout the school year for Elsie's class. Remind me not to sign up to do that again....Okay, I am being pissy cause I only had to do it two or three times.

Then I spent a paltry 30 bucks at Harmon's but wanted to commit suicide when I realized I had failed to procure mint and feta for tomorrow night's dinner.

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